Outsource the management of employees' medical visits
As a service provider dedicated to the outsourcing of Human Resources, Omag Consulting is a key player if you want to outsource the management of your employees’ medical visits. We are committed to ensuring the successful management of occupational health for our clients since 2005.
Outsourcing the management of medical visits with Omag Consulting means benefiting from methodology that includes all the phases of the medical follow-up of employees.
Since January 1, 2017 the new decree (decree n° 2016-1908 of 27/12/2016) became effective. New rules and regulations apply to the medical surveillance of workers. Although certain obligations have been simplified, employers remain responsible for a general obligation of result-based safety and must ensure the protection of workers’ health.
Outsource the management of medical visits following a methodology that is divided into 4 stages :
To outsource the management of medical visits, we have implemented a complete and precise methodology so that all the important points of this implementation are covered, and thus achieving a successful outsourcing
Each step makes it possible to carry out the integration of our clients with a follow-up of the employees’ files and to ensure data integrity for all the actors in the follow-up of medical visits: employees, medical centers, company information, hierarchy …
Assessment of the situation before outsourcing the management of medical visits
Before strating the process of outsourcing the management of medical visits, we have established a complete and precise procedure so that all the important steps of this implementation are covered. The different steps are reviewed with the company to better understand its needs.
Here are some of the points that are covered:
- What is the customer’s activity and what is the structure of the company (sites, stores, profit centers, agencies, subsidiaries, etc.) ?
- What are the employees’ functions, what is the split between SI and SIR (i.e. regular follow-up, specific follow-up) ?
- What is the average turnover of employees ? What are the hirings forecast ?
- What is the percentage of personnel up to date with theirmedical visits ?
- How many occupational health centers do they manage ? Are there any particular difficulties in working with them ?
- Do all employees work on site ? Are there any remote employees working from home ?
- What are the areas for improvement ?
At the end of this first assessment, a twelve months working plan is presented to the client who wishes to outsource the management of medical visits, in order to define the objectives, the conditions and the appropriate measures to be impremented.
Integration of data from occupational medicine centers
This first step consist in registering the existing data concerning the medical centers, occupational health physicians, medical appointments locations, specificities of the medial centers according to the types of medical visits carried out.
Integration of employee data
The second step consists in transferring the essential information necessary to the succesful processing of the employees. This data will allow to initiate the planning of the medical visits (Date of hiring, type of visits, last medical visits, assignment to a medical center, workplace)
Integration of the employee's hierarchical environment
We integrate the data concerning the employee’s hierarchy in the instance that the company outsourcing wishes that the employees’ operational or functional managers, the Human Resources managers receive a copy of the convocation and reminders to the medical visit.
Note: all of it’s the data is secured and protected and can be consulted by the client who has chosen to outsource the management of medical visits. The data can be shared with different users. Each user can have different levels of accessibility defined by the client, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week though our web interface.
Planning appointments and follow-up of medical visits
The scheduling of medical visits, the planning of information and prevention visits during hiring, periodic visits but also the management of special cases (i.e. since 2017 management of pre-employment medical visits reinforced individual follow-up, visits following long-term sick leave, visits at the request of the employee or the employer, job transfer, etc. are managed by an account manager, who act as a real interface for your company.
Invitations to medical visits and reminders are sent by email and/or SMS scheduled as per the customer’s request. They are sent directly to the employee concerned, and/or to his/her referent(s). In certain cases where necessary, the employee might be contacted directly (i.e. not via the usual automated process), in particular in the context of rescheduling appointments.
The management of aptitudes and incapacities to work, feedback from the occupational health physician and no-shows, are taken care of by the team managing the medical visits on behalf of the company, all this information is then registered in our database where our clients can have access to if they so require.
In certain repetitive situations such as no-shows of an employee, the human resources managers and/or the line manager are informed directly by the project manager of the file.
Outsourcing also means managing relations with occupational medical centers and occupational health professionals
As part of the follow-up, the choice of a medical center is done according to the proximity of the employees’ workspace with the medical center. The search for new medical centers, the cancellations and postponements of visits, are all factors that are taken taken into account in the interrelationships with occupational health professionals and employees to optimize the efficiency of the service.

Outsourcing the management of your employee medical visits starts here
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