Omag Consulting News

Controlled outsourcing of support functions

Follow the latest news on outsourcing solutions and business support both in the field of human resources and for general administrative monitoring

Occupational health in France

Occupational health in France

The safety and health of the employees in the workplace is a legal obligation of the employer. Consequently, occupational health is a service from...
employee administrative management SD

Employees administrative management

The administrative management of employee must respect the compliance obligations related to the regulations. Staff administration : Employee's...
Gestion de la paye externalisation SD

Outsourcing payroll management

Outsourcing payroll management is one of the HR areas handled by omag consulting. More than a simple technical and administrative process, payroll...
recrutement de personnel SD - employee recruitment France

Employee recruitment in France

Every company has a need to recruit new staff. Employee recruitment in France is also an event that reduces productivity and requires strong...


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