Outsourcing the management of medical visits

Outsourcing the management of employee medical visits to a specialist such as Omag Consulting allows optimization of the company’s support functions.
The management of human resources and medical visits is a cross-company function with day-to-day responsibility. It is one of the pillars of business organization and ensures the smooth running of business activities.

externalisation gestion des visites medicales
externalisation gerer les visites medicales

Outsourcing the management of medical visits: a gain in productivity

First of all, we note that the management of medical visits carried out internally concerns many more people and departments than human resources departments or HR managers.

Indeed, depending on the size of the company and its structure, several stakeholders with very different roles within it are required to manage the medical visits of employees. Thus, we see that management can be carried out by site or agency managers, a CFO, department directors. In some cases, these are people who have few, if any, direct links with staff who need to be monitored.
A flexible outsourcing structure of Omag Consulting makes it possible to centralize information related to making appointments and monitoring employees. Thus, the information and monitoring circuits are optimized.

Thanks to the outsourcing of all the administrative tasks of the medical visit, the stakeholders who were in charge of these tasks are freed up. They can then devote themselves to other more interesting activities.
To carry out the outsourcing of your follow-up of medical visits, we apply a precise and methodical procedure, which you can consult on our explanatory page of this method for outsource the management of medical visits.

externalisation gestion des visites medicales

The objectives of outsourcing the management of medical visits

Omag Consulting specializes in outsourcing the management of medical visits to meet three main objectives:
  1. Lighten the work of human resources managers by setting up outsourcing services aimed at managing medical visits. This outsourcing allows them to focus on activities with higher added value
  2. Maintain a constant level of medical follow-up for employees.
  3. Include the management of medical visits within the framework of labor legislation.
externalisation gestion visite medicale

Outsourcing the management of medical visits and adapting to legal and regulatory developments in the medical monitoring of employees

The management of medical visits and the monitoring of personnel in terms of occupational health are subject to changes in the labor code. This is the case, for example, with the changes made by the law relating to work, the modernization of social dialogue and the securing of professional careers.

Indeed, these developments increase the pressure exerted on the personnel responsible for applying the various regulations. However, it is necessary to protect the interests of the company in the face of its legal obligations.

Thus, the constant modifications of the law, its interpretation as well as the cases of jurisprudence, impose on the managers of the medical examinations of the employees to respect the imperatives of the legislation. They must constantly keep themselves informed of developments in labor law.

Added to this are additional constraints concerning the way to collect this information concerning the evolution of labor law. Moreover, the multiplicity of stakeholders who carry out the management of medical visits makes the process difficult. Indeed, these people have neither the necessary training nor the support to keep up to date with these developments.

In this perspective, the issues related to legal developments are increasing. They will lead companies to collaborate more closely with specialized service providers, and to choose to outsource the management of medical visits.

Making the decision to outsource to a specialist such as Omag Consulting means entrusting the activity of managing medical visits to a partner. Omag COnsulting will be able to integrate into its activity not only an HR advisory role but also will share its skills in terms of legal monitoring.

Outsourcing the management of your medical visits starts here

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