Management of medical visits: our simple solution
The management of medical visits is a legal obligation. This management must be rigorously monitored by companies. Omag Consulting, specialized in the outsourcing of human resources since its creation in 2005, offers simplified management of medical visits in real time thanks to its dedicated and specific software.
Indeed, Omag Consulting has structured its service offer around a skills center dedicated solely to the management of medical visits. Thus, we control the entire logistics and administrative chain.
Multiple skills at the service of Human Ressources
Managing medical visits is:
- Employees’ management
- Management of the company’s establishments
- Selecting the occupational medicine centers according to the employees’place of work
- Planning medical appointments
- Follow-up of the results of medical visits
- Relations with the various stakeholders: occupational physicians, medical secretaries, employees, human resources managers.
Since 2017, the medical follow-up of employees has evolved, but this doesn’t mean that employers are freed from their obligations. Quite the contrary: employers must follow their employees by respecting each particularity, such as:
- Employee’s specificity
- Position held
- Seniority
- Penibility
- Accidentology
With Omag Consulting’s management of medical visits, you are assured of an up-to-date monitoring of the new regulations for the medical supervision of employees.
A dedicated medical visit management center
Our “medical visit management” division is made up of a team of professionals dedicated solely to monitoring employee medical visits. The outsourcing of the management of medical visits is carried out in whole or in part (on certain branches of activity or certain sites) in order to optimize the management of recruitment visits, periodic visits and recovery visits.
The “medical visit management” division is structured with several project managers who manage the entire process.

Each project manager is the sole point of contact for the company. He/She is in contact with human resources, but also with the various actors within the company who have chosen to outsource this function. It should be noted that most of our project managers are bilingual, thus being able to work with the headquarters of companies based abroad.
During the year, on a regular basis according to the clients expectations, the project manager edit various reports such as :
- Dashboards,
- No-shows at the medical appointments,
- Costs,
- By category of medical visits,
- Declaration of workforce …
The objective of these reports is to provide information with added value to our clients, to demonstrate reactivity and anticipation while working in total transparency.
Management of medical visits and interrelationships between all actors
For the management of medical visits, Omag Consulting interacts daily with both occupational health professionals, employees and the company’s HR supports.
Omag Consulting integrates proximity with occupational medicine centers into its management. This consideration is intended to facilitate relations with occupational health professionals, employees and HR teams.
Indeed, the challenges of a quality and lasting relationship with medical centers go beyond the simple framework of planning and monitoring appointments.
When the occupational medicine centers are not integrated within the compagny (inter-company doctors), they are very often overwhelmed. For this reason, and in most cases, the medical examination is very often perceived by the employee or his line manager as a binding obligation, or even useless in the worst case.
Thus, Omag Consulting has an important role as an intermediary and “facilitator” in these different bilateral relations to ensure that these relations are not simply reduced to the treatment of appointments and emergency situations.