SME Business Owners: Logistics Expert & Maven will make your event seamless!
Are you a very small, small or mid-size business interested in participating in, or organizing a tradeshow, exhibition or other professional event (sales meeting, convention, press conference)?
OMAG can help…
Your goal is for your business to expand its reach, but you likely don’t have the extra time or manpower to organize or participate in the very events that can give you the visibility you need! This is where OMAG EVENT comes in.
Enjoy complete turnkey support where I take care of all the details and logistics so you can continue to focus on what matters most: your product and/or service.
Here’s just some of what I do for French and International SMEs like yours:

  • Tradeshows: Negotiate the booth with the organizers, take care of stand concept and implementation, and support you the day of the event so that everything goes smoothly. Organize and coordinates travels, hotel reservations for the day of the event.
  • Pre-tradeshow or event: Provide information and send out invitations to clients and prospects. Help with any additional prep work you may need including organization of breakfasts, lunches, dinners, cocktails.
  • Post-tradeshow or event: Follow up with prospects and other key contacts.
  • Support for Sales Meetings/Conventions/Seminars: Venue research, event coordination, dealings with vendors, hotel reservations, coordination, support and management on the day of the event.
  • Tie up logistical loose-ends: We are happy to help with anything else you may need to ensure a successful, smooth and seemingly effortless event!
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