A new requirement for all employers: the performance maintenance review. Issued as part of the the law on training, employment and social democracy, this measure is applicable to all businesses starting March 2014. Explanations.

Each year you already meet with your employees for a performance review, which offers an assesment of the employee’s activity and establishes their objectives for the year ahead. From now on, you must also offer them a regular performance maintenance review.

Every two years
This meeting will take place every two years and you must also offer it to any employee who is returning from a long absense (maternity leave, parental or adoption leave, sabbatical, sick leave for more than six months, labor mandate…).

The objectives of the performance maintenance review are very specific:
– explore the opportunities for professional development, whether in terms of qualifications/skills or employment (promotion, change in post…),
– examine the training actions to be put in place in order to reach the objectives.
An inventory every six years
At the end of six years the review will take the form of an assessment. You will verify whether the employee has benefitted from the reviews that he is entitled to and you will ensure:
– that he followed at least one training action,
– that he acquired at least one element of professional certification, whether by training or accreditation for work experience (VAE),
– that he received a salary increase or professional development.

Each performance maintenance review must be formalized by a written document, of which you will give a copy to the employee.

What do you risk if you do not respect the law?
If the business has at least 50 employees and for six years the employee has not received the required reviews and at least two or three actions (training, certification or VAE, professional development), you must:
– credit his employee training account (CPF) with 100 hours if he works full-time or 130 hours if he works part-time,
– pay the Opca (accredited collection body) to which you belong a fixed financial contribution for each concerned employee.

What are the benefits of the professional maintenance review?
The professional maintenance review is a tool of human resources management that allows the company to identify its internal skills and competencies. It is also a way to faciliate the development of its employees and give itself the means to gain in competitiveness.
For the employee, it encourages him to take charge of his professional development and to adapt to the new activies of the company.

Did you know? You have until March 7, 2016 at the latest to conduct the professional maintenance review of your employees who were already employed on March 7, 2014.

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