The company health and safety chart (fiche entreprise) and the single risks assessment document (DUERP) are mandatory and complementary:

  • The company health and safety chart (Fiche d’Entreprise) is drawn up by the Occupational Health physician, regardless of the number of employees. This document lists the occupational risk factors present in the company, as well as the number of employees exposed to the risks.
  • The Single professional Risks Assessment Document (DUERP – Document Unique des Risques Professionnels) is the sole responsibility of the employer and must be drawn up for each company with at least one employee. This document lists evaluates and prioritizes the occupational risks in the company, by work unit.

Although both documents identify the professional risks within the company, there are some differences as follows:

  • The company health and safety chart must be updated every 5 years or if any changes occur in the company’s activity or location
  • The Single professional Risks Assessment Document must be updated at least once a year or after each change in the company that may have an impact on the employees’ working conditions.
  • The company health and safety chart takes into account the professional risks according to each workstation but remains a general document
  • The Single professional Risks Assessment Document takes into account each work units and details each risk and resulting dangerous situation according to the company’s professional activity. Each risk must be rated in order to prioritize the preventive actions to be implemented.

Once finalized both documents can be provided to the company’s CSE (Staff representatives, Social and Economic Committee) together with the company annual report, and on demand to the occupational health and prevention services and the labor inspector and the CARSAT.

The employer can refer to the Company Health and Safety Chart to draft the Single Professional Risks Assessment document. The Occupational Health Services can also help companies in drafting and updating the Single Professional Risks Assessment Document.

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.

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