Every company has a need to recruit new staff. Employee recruitment in France is also an event that reduces productivity and requires strong mobilization because of distance of the headquarters out of France.

The recruitment of personnel is a necessity for growth or for the replacement of personnel leaving the company.

Omag consulting intervenes in the major stages of the life of the company. We help you to :

  • Drafting and distribution of job offers
  • The implementation of the recruitment policy: relations with Recruitment Firms, Schools and Universities, participation in fairs
  • The pre-selection of applications, drafting and sending responses to candidates
  • Pre-selection interviews
  • onboarding process training and follow-up of recruited candidates
  • Medical follow-up and information and prevention visit (recruitment medical visit)

Each of these steps is of course carried out in conjunction with the company’s procedures. Each choice must of course be validated after pre-selection of the candidate(s).

The employee recruitment in France is part of the Human Ressources function you can easily outsource, and we can support you in the 8 steps that constitute a good recruitment :

  1. Definition of the need (objective, function, …)
  2. Setting a salary range : Each country has its own salary rules according to the standard of living
  3. Informing you about the aids and benefits available : depending on the position chosen, there are hiring aids, reductions in charges, etc.
  4. Defining the type of contract : fixed or indefinite term, or interim
  5. Drafting and distributing the job offer
  6. Choosing the best candidate
  7. Carrying out the hiring formalities
  8. Prepare the new employee’s onboarding and relocation if necessary

Each step is to be completed while avoiding the many traps that can stand in your way.

Contact Omag consulting to outsource your human resources and simplify all your procedures for employee recruitment and management of your employees in France. Our work is also to produce pay slips, and the follow-up of medical visits, which are mandatory in France.

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