The administrative management of employee must respect the compliance obligations related to the regulations.

Staff administration :

  • Employee’s onboarding
  • Implementation of benefits
  • Management of employee leave (contracts, leave, JRTT, sickness, maternity leave, etc.)
  • Implementation and management of Meal Vouchers
  • Management of medical visits (registering employees and employers with appropriate occupational health centers, appointments schedulling and follow-up )
  • Implementation and monitoring of PEE and PERCO
  • Dashboards relating to the HR function (staff monitoring, payroll, social data, etc.)
  • Development and supervision of internal processes and procedures
  • Elections of employee representative bodies (CSE)
  • Mandatory displays of the labor code, internal rules and regulations
  • Single risk document, assesment document (DUERP)
  • International mobility, Relocation
  • Control of travel expenses
  • Implementation of the HRIS (Human Resources Information System), GTA (Time and Activity Management)
  • CSR monitoring (Corporate Social Responsibility)

Contact us to study the outsourcing of the HR function within your company

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