Occupational health is a legal obligation of the employer in France and it is interesting to outsource its management. We invite you to see here the 5 key moments of the intervention of occupational medicine. Every moment is a constraint to manage that you can outsource to a professional such as Omag Consulting.

When to carry out the medical information and prevention visit ?

The information and prevention medical visit has replaced the hiring visit since 2017. This visit is carried out within 3 months of hiring. However, for minor workers or for night work, this medical examination must be carried out before hiring.

This information visit must also be replaced by a medical fitness examination if the work carried out presents a particular risk.

There are also cases of exemption from this medical examination: the employee must simultaneously meet the following 3 conditions :

  • the employee has his last follow-up certificate,
  • he is employed in the same position as during his previous visit,
  • the position does not require any particular adaptation.

By outsourcing the management of occupational medicine, Omag Consulting verifies the need for this medical visit for each employee, and organizes the information and prevention visit if necessary. You can also view our page about pre-employement medical examination

What time should be observed between 2 medical visits ?

According to the labor code, the maximum period between 2 medical visits is 5 years. However, this period can be reduced according to different criteria :

  • the age of the employee
  • the employee’s working conditions
  • the risks of the position to which he is assigned
  • the employee’s state of health (disability, illness, etc.)

Outsourcing the management of the employee’s medical visit to Omag Consulting ensures that each employee will be summoned to his medical visit in due time, and that the occupational medicine center will be consulted to organize these visits in the best conditions for the employee. For more information, you can consult our page employee medical monitoring

When, how and why organize a follow-up medical visit ?

The recovery medical visit takes place after an extended absence of the employee :

  • 30 days of absence in the event of an accident at work
  • maternity leave
  • a working absence due to an occupational disease
  • a work stoppage of more than 3 months

The employer must organize this recovery medical visit in conjunction with the occupational medicine center as soon as the employee’s recovery date is known. This medical examination makes it possible to verify that the position occupied by the employee is still adapted to his physical and psychological situation and allows, if necessary, to propose an adaptation to the position or to issue a notice of incapacity.

For more information, you can consult our dedicated article about recovery medical visit (in french)

Occupational health and acknowledgment of incapacity: why ?

When the employee has to return to his position, it happens that the changes in his state of health do not allow him to return to his position under normal conditions. The employer must then seek an adaptation of the position in conjunction with the occupational physician. Certain takeover conditions may lead to the conclusion that the takeover of the employee is not possible. In this case, the occupational physician draws up a certificate of incapacity. It is only in possession of this certificate that a dismissal for incapacity can be pronounced. However, this type of dismissal must be carried out with great caution and be perfectly supervised by legal advice.

Outsource occupational health management is a way to save time and peace of mind in the management of employees.

You can consult the dedicated page on recognition of medical incapacity for work and its consequences on the government website (in french)

Can we request an appointment with occupational health outside the normal visit?

Yes, the employer and the employee can request an appointment with occupational medicine. These meetings are an opportunity to report physical or psychological difficulties in the performance of tasks, harassment problems, but also by the employer who wishes to have specific monitoring of an employee who presents behavioral problems. for example, linked to alcohol or the taking of drugs which make staying in the position dangerous for the employee or for his colleagues.

In conclusion

The management of occupational health and medical visits is a complex area that is regularly updated to adapt to new constraints and new professions, and outsource it is a good time -saver.

Omag Consulting is able to carry out this monitoring of employees with a contract in France, for any French or foreign company.

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