Since the decree of 2017, the management of the medical examination for hiring has been replaced by the Information and Prevention visit (VIP).

Since January 2017 the hiring visit has disappeared (except for high-risk jobs, disabled or disabled workers and pregnant women – see the subject on reinforced individual monitoring) in favor of an information and prevention visit carried out by one of the health professionals: occupational physician and, under his authority, by the physician collaborator, the occupational medicine intern or the nurse (Art. L4624-1).

In terms of management, the pre-recruitment medical visit, information and prevention, must be done within a period not exceeding three months from the effective taking of the position of work and within 2 months of hiring if it is an apprentice.

Attention, the visit must take place before the assignment for night workers and workers under the age of 18. This limit is also valid for employees exposed to biological agents of group 2, or when the worker is exposed to electromagnetic fields whose exposure limits are exceeded (C. trav., art. R. 4453-10).

The employee’s medical visit is then renewed within a maximum period of 5 years as long as the employee’s position or job remains the same.

Who is concerned by the hiring medical visit?

The pre-employment medical examination is compulsory for:

  • All employees of private companies;
  • All staff under private law in public establishments of an industrial and commercial nature;
  • All staff under private law in public administrative establishments;
  • All employees of private employers.

The medical visit obligation for the employees mentioned above comes whether they are on CDD or CDI. In addition, the information and prevention visit during a CDD is mandatory, even when the CDD is of very short duration.

A new medical examination (possibly reinforced individual medical examination if the position fulfills the constraints) may be carried out if the employee changes function or position, with new physical or environmental constraints.

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