Participating in a tradeshow is an excellent way to increase your visibility, meet potential clients and increase your market share. Here are some mistakes you must avoid in order to make your event a successful one.

You have high expectations for your participation in a tradeshow, and you should. It is a platform which allows you to invite clients, meet prospects and showcase your new products or services. It is a place to get updated on the latest industry trends, and find new service providers or partners. There’s a lot on the line, so careful and specific preparation is required.

Here are 8 mistakes to avoid:

1. Participating in the wrong tradeshow
It’s not always easy to make the right choice. If several tradeshows seem to correspond to your industry and business, get information on where they’re taking place, their duration, who has booths, traffic (what types of visitors and how many.) This will allow you to better adapt your goals and target.
2. Not being sufficiently prepared
Lack of preparation leads to making mistakes and increased stress. So, start preparing at least 6 months before the event. It’s important to define a list of tasks, your budget, and resource allocation, and to create a plan of action. Be detailed in your planning using, wherever necessary, professional software that allows you to break down tasks and alerts you at every phase.

3. Hiring unreliable service providers
If you need to hire new service providers for communication, stand set-up, creating on-site events, transporting merchandise, etc., do not do it without researching a company’s reliability, products and turnaround time first.

4. Not giving importance to the location or set-up of your stand
Since the first comers get the best spots, reserve your spot very early on so that you’re well-placed for increased your visibility.
Stand out from your competitors by adding some originality to your set-up and decor, making sure to be in alignment with your image. Choose practical and comfortable furniture to be warm and welcoming to your visitors. Don’t forget AV equipment (electricity, video).

5. Forgetting the visuals
Posters, brochures, press kits, business cards…. These all serve as tools to showcase your expertise. They must be polished, easy to read, clear, and there must be enough to last the entire duration of the tradeshow. A video playing on loop is becoming a widely used way to introduce a product or do a demonstration.
6. Not communicating before the tradeshow
Create a list of contacts you’d like to inform: journalists, clients, prospects, service providers, partners… Increase your communication efforts: press releases, news on your website and on social media, invitation cards, email blasts.

7. Reducing efforts during the tradeshow
Fill your stand with dynamic and motivated people. Whether it be employees and/or a specialized service provider, make sure they know your company, products and services very well. Feel free to brief them so that they are all using the same marketing language

8. Not following up
As soon as you return to the office, do a recap of the tradeshow. Go over all the new contact information collected: prospects, service providers, possible partners…and put them in your database. Send thank you notes, a welcome message, and additional information…and set-up meetings. It is vital to follow up as soon as possible as your visitors also visited your competitors!

As you can see, it takes time and internal resources to optimize your participation in a tradeshow.

To make sure things run smoothly, OMAG is here to support you!
– Pre-event: we negotiate the price and location of your stand, come up with the concept and transport it. We coordinate your on-site events, handle your invitations, travel and hotel reservations.
– During the tradeshow, we are right by your side to help.
– Post-show: we manage thank you cards, follow-up and coordination of prospects and key clients.
To talk about your needs and the turnkey solutions we provide, please schedule your complimentary 30-minute consultation

With OMAG, save time, increase efficiency and optimize your participation in tradeshows.

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