Have you ever thought that managing your employees’ medical visits could be not only an administrative burden, but also a real time-consumer?

Maybe it’s time to consider outsourcing. This solution offers personalized service adapted to your needs and budget, while giving you back some of your precious time.

Plus, like many other HR administrative tasks, managing medical visits is arduous, time-consuming and brings no real value besides simply meeting a legal requirement. So, HR does not lose anything by delegating it elsewhere, but instead can use that time more efficiently on more important tasks.
For effective and profitable outsourcing, there are certain things to take into consideration:

  • Being knowledgeable about medical centers simplifies the procedures and makes setting up appointments much easier.
  • Excellent management of convocations and appointment schedules is indispensable.
  • Recovering and delivering certificates of competence is a service that should not be overlooked.
  • Knowledge of legislation for worker’s health is a plus.

So, managing medical appointments is one of the HR activities you could easily outsource.

Does it take a lot of time to put outsourcing like this into place? Like any HR outsourcing, it is necessary to prepare, follow a precise process, obtain all necessary materials, and be sure that all participants are aware of their roles.

However, for medical visits, two weeks should be enough time to get everything in place.

Outsourcing the management of medical visits can truly bring some relief to your company.

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