Occupational health : 5 reasons to outsource management

Occupational health : 5 reasons to outsource management

Occupational health is a legal obligation of the employer in France and it is interesting to outsource its management. We invite you to see here the 5 key moments of the intervention of occupational medicine. Every moment is a constraint to manage that you can...
Management of your employee’s medical visits

Management of your employee’s medical visits

For the follow-up and management of your employee’s medical visits, several questions come to mind: Do you have a global and complete approach to the medical visits of your staff?Do you know what the legal risks are in case of non-compliance?Are you facing any...
Employees administrative management

Employees administrative management

The administrative management of employee must respect the compliance obligations related to the regulations. Staff administration : Employee’s onboardingImplementation of benefitsManagement of employee leave (contracts, leave, JRTT, sickness, maternity...
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